Filtering by: USA 2023

Baltimore, MD- Patterson Park,un corazón verde que cuidan las comunidades
10:30 AM10:30

Baltimore, MD- Patterson Park,un corazón verde que cuidan las comunidades

Veremos qué tan cierta puede ser la teoría de Jane Jacobs sobre los parques mientras caminamos y exploramos Patterson Park. Friends of Patterson Park hablará sobre la historia del parque, su organización y proyectos. Otras personas de diferentes clubes y vecindades cercanas nos contarán cómo usan y contribuyen al parque. Aprenderemos cómo todos ellos mantienen vivo este corazón verde. Su trabajo voluntario hace de Patterson Park un lugar vibrante, seguro y saludable para disfrutar como vecino o visitante.

Como dijo Jane Jacobs en The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961):

  “Convencionalmente, los parques de vecindario o los espacios abiertos similares a parques se consideran beneficios otorgados a las poblaciones desfavorecidas de las ciudades. Demos la vuelta a este pensamiento y consideremos los parques desfavorecidos de la ciudad como lugares que necesitan los beneficios de la vida y el aprecio que se les confiere. Esto está más ajustado a la realidad, ya que las personas les confieren uso a los parques y los convierten en éxitos, o bien no los usan y condenan a los parques al rechazo y al fracaso”.

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Baltimore, MD- Patterson Park, a green heart kept by communities
10:30 AM10:30

Baltimore, MD- Patterson Park, a green heart kept by communities

We will see how true Jane Jacobs theory about parks may be as we walk through and explore Patterson Park. Friends of Patterson Park will talk about the park history, its organization and projects. Some other passionate people from different clubs and close neighborhoods will tell us how they use and contribute to the park. We will learn how all of them keep this green heart alive. Their volunteer work makes Patterson Park a vibrant, safe and healthy place to enjoy as a neighbor or a visitor.

As Jane Jacobs stated in The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961):

 “Conventionally, neighbourhood parks or parklike open spaces are considered boons conferred on the deprived populations of cities.  Let us turn this thought around, and consider city parks deprived places that need the boon of life and appreciation conferred upon them.  This is more nearly in accord with reality, for people do confer use on parks and make them successes – or else withhold use and doom parks to rejection and failure.”

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Texas: Jane Jacobs Walk Goes to the Texas Capitol!
8:45 AM08:45

Texas: Jane Jacobs Walk Goes to the Texas Capitol!

The Congress for the New Urbanism - Central Texas chapter (CNU-CTX) is hosting a Jane's Walk on Sunday May 7 to honor Jane Jacobs' legacy and to celebrate the completion of the new Capitol pedestrian mall in downtown Austin. We will discuss the conversion of Congress Ave north of the state Capitol building to a pedestrian mall, historic preservation of nearby buildings, and public art sculptures decorating the new mall - with one of the local artists! This event is free and open to the public. Children and families are welcome.

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Saco, Maine, USA | Get to know your Main Street
1:30 PM13:30

Saco, Maine, USA | Get to know your Main Street

Enjoy a walk down Main Street as we provide historical highlights of buildings and their people. We'll venture through Pepperell Square, continuing to Fairfield School, otherwise known as Pepperell Park, down Beach Street and end at Dyer Library. Stops along the way will include tasteful bites from local merchants.

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Connecticut: Architecture of the Danbury, CT Historical district
10:30 AM10:30

Connecticut: Architecture of the Danbury, CT Historical district

  • 256 Main Street Danbury, CT, 06810 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The tour starts at the historic “Old Library” going North to the Still River where it turns East to the Green. From the Green, we continue back to Main Street to the current Library and then back to the start. Featured are the multiple forms of architecture by predominantly Danbury architects.

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Dunmore, PA: A Walk in Jane's Shoes
10:00 AM10:00

Dunmore, PA: A Walk in Jane's Shoes

Celebrating the 107th birth date of one of our most influential authors and urban activists, Jane Jacobs. Hosted by local AIA architect, John Cowder. Please join us for a one-hour walking tour of Jane’s childhood neighborhood and see Jane’s home, the site of Wickham Bros Potato Chip Factory, the site of the George Washington School #3, with a stop at Henry’s on Clay. There will also be many historic insights and discussions along the way.

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